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What is Web3 and how to make money from it

What is Web3 and how to make money from it – Let’s break it down.

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YOU’ve Been Hearing Web3 but You Don’t Understand a thing About it

Let’s Break it Down now, think of Web3 as the next evolution of the internet.

➖Web1 was all about static websites where you could only read information without being able to interact with them.

➖Then came Web2, which introduced interactivity, social media, and e-commerce.

➖Now, Web3 is aiming to decentralize everything we do.

Instead of relying on big companies like Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Google etc to manage our data and transactions,

Web3 uses blockchain technology to create a more decentralized, secure, and user-controlled internet.

You have more ownership and control over your online activities, from social networking to financial transactions, without needing a central authority to oversee everything.

And some web3 Social Media platform that pays you in crypto currency for using them for free are :

  1. School Hack – this is a web3 social media platform where students connect with each and answer related questions they might have, you get paid in their native token when you create posts on the app
  2. Gamic – Gamic is another social media messaging app for Gamers and projects looking to build communities, Gamic pay you in GG points which is later converted to their native token $GNG

just chat on the app daily, and refer your friends too.

Isn’t this awesome?

YOU’ve Been Hearing Web3 but You Don’t Understand a thing About it Now …
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Also Read >> Notcoin: The Telegram Game, NOT Token, and Future Goals

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